It's only been two
weeks of formal homeschooling, but things are going well. I have
three: 1.5 year old Joe, 3 year old Brandt, and 5 year old Arri. My
initial observations are as follows:
Every child needs
specific attention, but every child can participate according to
their aptitude. Joe may not be able to understand “less than” nor
“greater than,” but he can watch, mimic, and help by holding
materials. And that is what he needs at his stage of development. He
needs to observe and mimic.
Understanding takes
copious amounts of time and energy and patience. It is easy to force
a 5 year old to memorize stuff. But sitting down with the number “4”
and the number “5” written on a piece of paper and then “figuring
out” what those symbols actually mean is difficult.
understanding can be taken for granted. For example, is “4” a
quantity or a reference; is it an amount or a point on a line? How do
you “explain” this to a 5 year old? You can't. Rather, you
discover what these numbers are and how they can be used through experimentation, play, and getting the answer wrong again and again and again.
Your initial plan
for the day may not work out as you desire; you will have to
improvise. If Joe doesn't get his nap, he can be difficult to work
with. I might have to adjust my schedule, maybe my whole lesson plan,
to get him to corporate without degrading the quality of the other
two's lesson. I can do this by rearranging some of the activities.
For example, give them an art project to work on while I rock Joe.
Quality, not
quantity. My primary goal is to prepare my children to be magnificent
adults. A major part of this is developing the way my children think,
not what they know. Many people know stuff; few know what to do with
the information they have. Many people know how to access
information; few know how to figure things out on their own. By
providing an atmosphere, and guidance, in which my children are
encouraged to discover and understand, they develop a foundation of
understanding of concepts and principals and the skills needed to
implement their understanding to gain knowledge.
Make chores apart of
the education. Part of learning has to include character building;
plus, life is made up of the mundane, every day things like doing the
dishes or changing the oil. Having chores for each child teaches them
to work and work hard if you hold them to that standard.
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